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Week 1: Ideation and Gathering References


Updated: Feb 21, 2023

Concept Idea

Our group decided together that we would do a scene which is based on the events of Ragnarök within Norse mythology. . We wanted to create an environment in the 'Roki art style' based on the beliefs of Scandinavian culture which is where Roki takes place. We want to take the wolf character from the Norse belief of Ragnarök create a character inspired from the myth. My role will be to create an environment which is able to reflect the personality of this wolf character through props and scenery. We will also have a seer character within the scene which will have a type of relationship to this wolf character which the props and environment will reflect and show.

My role as Environment Artist

My job as an environment artist in our team will be to create props for the scene and create the environment for which the characters will be presented hypothetically if the characters would be in the game 'Roki'. I will ensure as an environment artist that the props, scenery and details within the environment created is able to show the personality of the characters made by the character artists and tells the story of our idea while fitting the Roki art style.

Environment and setting

For the scene, we wanted it to be a cave as it reflects the loneliness of the wolf character and we thought that it would be interesting to have more mythological details such as having the Ragnarök blade 'The Sword of Sumter' within the cave.

Myself and the other environmental artists wanted to reflect the character's personality and setting through the use of props and environment. For example we thought the use of stalactites and the sword could be used in the cave environment to reflect the sharpness and non-friendliness of the wolf character.


I took references to help inspire and invoke ideas in our ideation process and to gather information about our current idea focus on the wolf character. I took photos of my home's concrete ornaments of canine animals which I thought would would help with character and prop designs for the environment scene.

#1 Wolf Statue (My garden, Darragh Cross)

The wolf statue references are helpful to understand what a wolf's fur, stature and features would look like for reference when designing our wolf-like character.

#2 Wizard Statue (My garden, Darragh Cross)

The wizard statue references are good as a reference for what an old seer character would like for a character in our Roki scene.

#3 Rusted Bell (My garden, Darragh Cross)

These rusted bell references could be used for an idea of the shape and texture of a bell prop within our cave scene and I also thought the rust could be used for some unique meshes.

#4 Wooden Torch (My garden, Darragh Cross)

I took photos of these torches as they would allow me to get an idea of what the shape of a torch might be like from different angles if we wanted to have a man-made source of light within the cave scene.

#5 Boot Statue (My garden, Darragh Cross)

The boot statue photos may help with shape of a character's shoes or perhaps a boot prop if we wanted to create 'junk' lying around the cave scene.

#6 Fur (My garden, Darragh Cross)

These are photos of different fur which we could use for the characters or perhaps for loose fur lying around in the cave.

#6 Cat paws

These are photos of a cat's paws which may give the character artists an idea for how might a werewolf creature's feet look like.

#7 Floors

These are photos of different tarmac floors which provide detail into how the floors, walls and the ceiling may look like.

#8 Grass

These are photos of grass which provide a material for us to use if we want to have some grass within the cave scene of bare patches of grass or grass outside the cave.

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