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Week 7: UV Challenges


Task for Week 7

Our group focused on a UV challenge during this week and as an environment artist I had to do three challenges. A dice challenge, a cylinder challenge and a barrel challenge. These were challenges to help us get an understanding of how to UV map our props later in the project.

Challenge 1: Dice Challenge

This challenge was an introduction to UV mapping and taught us the basics of how to map our UVs. We opened the UV editor and it had the net of the dice cube on the UV editor which represented all the faces of the dice cube which wasn't textured. We then placed the texture imported into the project and placed the texture over the net of the shell exactly.

We then used the cut and sew tool to separate the dice faces from each other and this allowed me to change the position of faces on the dice so that I could have a different arrangement for the dice texture. We then changed the position of the vertices to make it fit within the texture better.

Finished Dice:

Challenge 2: Cylinder Challenge

This challenge was to make sure that textures fit within the cylinder so that textures aren't stretched. We first opened the UV editor again and we checked the checked box icon at the top toolbar of the UV editor. This brought up an example UV which we were going then try to fit the UV with the texture. We selected the modify tool with the top and bottom edges of the cylinder and then clicked the unfold button. This unwrapped the cylinder shape net so that the texture would now fit and we also made sure the cylinder was rotated so that the UV wasn't upside-down. We then selected each of the circular and rectangle faces and used the layout tool which then organised the faces of the cylinder. We then turned on 3d ratios and select the cylinder to scale the faces as the same size. We then repeated this process for the other cylinder.

Finished Cylinder:

Challenge 3: Barrel Challenge

This challenge tested our ability to texture an object which was a lot more detailed and intricate so we needed to use new tools to be able to UV something more complex. This is where we used the planar tool using the x, y, and z axis. We opened used the cut and sew tool to cut top and bottom edges of the barrel and any edges of the middle barrel can be selected and unfolded as a single rectangle UV shell. Once they are unfolded we used the planar tool with y axis for the top and bottom faces to cut up the UV shell into different circular UV shells. Layout is then selected to ensure all UVs are scaled equally.

The corners are then all selected and scaled down to allow the UV map to be straightened and all edges are moved within the shape so that the shape can be straightened. We then selected UV points within the area of the shape and selected the modify tab, we then unfolded those edges within the middle of the UV and used unfold U and unfold V to make sure the object was straight and scaled to the UV texture.

Finished Barrel:

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Ulster University Asset Development First Year

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