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Week 6

Odhran Mclaughlin

Updated: May 16, 2023

During week 6 we were taught how to colour models using lamberts.

As we were dealing with colours we as a group decided we should take a deeper look at what colours we should use beyond just purple. We decided that as the scene is set underground the colours should be muted and dull. We also felt that in order to not be overwhelmed by the purple we need non-cave (i.e. mushrooms, chairs) objects to be other colours such as darkened shades of red, green or brown.


This is done by first selecting an object, right clicking to bring up the menu and then pressing assign favorite material and choosing lambert. This then creates a new material for use within the project known as a lambert. The incandescence value is changed to a suitable colour and diffuse is set to zero. This is repeated for any colours which may be needed for the project e.g. areas in light, shadows, edges and base colours. These materials are then set to the correct faces by right clicking and selecting assign existing material.


In order to have a floor for the project we needed tiles. In order to create these I first used a reference from Roki taken from inside of an abandoned chapel and its tiles are moderately damaged and scattered.

I wanted our scene to feel a lot older than this one and so although I took inspiration from the general shape of the tiles in this scene in order to maintain the Roki style I decided to add more signs of damage to my tiles. I believe the best way to do this is to make the edges less straight and less uniform.

I then used the image above alongside my philosophy in order to inform the creation of some sketches:


Next I actually created the models that would be used. This was done by creating a basic square shape and beveling it's edges, next I duplicated it and cut out areas using multi-cutting, finally I added color to the models by considering where the light source would be and applying appropriate lamberts.

Finally, I added the object to codecks for later use.

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Ulster University Asset Development First Year

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