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Week 6 - Materials/Lamberts


To make a material I had to right-click on a shape and click make a new material. I then had to make a Lambert. Whenever you create a Lambert it will create Lambert 1. This is a light grey colour that applies shadows to the models with no textures. I did not want to mess with this as this could ruin my entire Maya project as it would be very difficult to see what I am modelling. To fix this I created a new Lambert which was called Lambert 2.

Once I got that sorted I then re-named the Lambert to make it easier to identify the material when applying it to shapes. I then selected the colour that I wanted. This applied the colour to the model but it applied shadows to the model making it feel out of place in the Roki style. Roki uses flat colours as its art style and to replicate that in Maya I had to turn down the Diffuse to zero. This make the colour flat and did not apply any shadows to the model.

To show an example I decided to colour in the wolf's head with Lambert to help show my team what the wolf's colour pallet would look like to see if it would fit into the scene. This also helps us as we know what the wolf is going to look like compared to a non-textured wolf model with light grey shadowed to give a 3d effect to the model.

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Ulster University Asset Development First Year

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