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Week 4 - Designing the Wolf


I decided to start my work on the Wolf's head that my character will be wearing.

For this task, I wanted to get the general shape of the head. I decided to model the nose, eyes, ears, and then the overall shape of the head.

These are some of my reference photos that are used.

Once I was happy with the design I use my reference photos to help me model in Maya. I started off with a cube and used the divisions to smooth it out into a sphere. I then used the Vertex's to reline the shape to line up with my references. I then added ears and eyes as well. For the ears, I was able to take a cube and use divisions to make it a sphere. I then uses the Verticies and I was able to use the scale tool and scale down the top of the ears and scale up the bottom of the ears. I also attended a lecture and learn about Materials and how they can be applied. I also learned about Lambert. When I clicked on make new material I was allowed to create a Lambert but I had to make a duplicate as the first Lambert is the standard grey with lighting and applying a color would ruin every project I make.

This was my first attempt and I think it looks very janky. I like the ears but overall I didn't like the look of the wolf. It didn't look symmetrical. So I decided to redo the model again and I think it is a significant improvement.

This model looks much better and I am very happy with how it turned out. Once I was finished I then uploaded the file onto Codecks in the Character Asset List.

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Ulster University Asset Development First Year

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